In the face of climate change, we have a choice -
Sink or Swim? We choose to swim!
We welcome everyone who wants to join together to protect this planet that we depend on and love so dearly. Whether you're interested in being an active member who attends monthly meetings, or just someone who is looking to stay informed and help out when needed, we'd love to hear from you.
Email to find out ways to get involved.
STOP DIRTY BANKS on 03.21.23. We joined forces with the new climate group, Third Act, to protest climate change funding by the biggest banks and worst offenders.
WHAT: Climate advocates marched to Bank of America Hyannis branch as part of “STOP DIRTY BANKS,” a national day of action to pressure major banks to stop financing the expansion of the fossil fuel industry. The peaceful protest is among more than 100 events to take place in over half the US states. The day is organized by Third Act, a group founded by Bill McKibben for climate activists aged 60 years, with the local climate action group, 350 Cape Cod, and other local and national partners.
Support Offshore Wind—Submit your comments to BOEM in support of responsibly developed offshore wind in our region.
BOEM announced Draft Environmental Impact Statement project public comment period will end at 11:59 pm April 3, 2023. Public input will inform preparation of final Environmental Impact Statement. (Note, Mayflower Wind change its name earlier this month.)
There will be three (3) public hearings in March. Click here for details.
Why this is important:
Residents and Town officials from Portsmouth and other surrounding towns (Middletown, etc.) had voiced opposition and will show up in force
Good opportunities for us to gather info and counter-arguments for potential OSW project landing in Falmouth
Future MA OSW permititng will suffer a big blow if the Brayton Point, Somerset, project is a "NO GO".
New Net Zero Building Stretch Code: Education and Advocacy Campaign - Info Coming Soon.
Stop the Gun Range on Joint Base Cape Cod. Voice your opposition to the Army National Guard’s plan to clear-cut 170 acres of trees to put a machine gun range on the Upper Cape Water Supply Reserve, at Camp Edwards, Joint Base Cape Cod.
Vote in every election. Support candidates that demonstrate their commitment to climate action. Better yet, run for office!
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper about your concerns about climate change, the sacredness of clean water, or any other environmental issue that speaks to you, it’s important that we raise awareness of these issues and also offer solutions to provide hope.
Buy a copy of Drawdown, which is based on Project Drawdown, the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming and presents a path forward that can roll back global greenhouse gas emissions within thirty years.
Divest any fossil fuel investments you may have and choose a local bank that does not lend money to support fossil fuel projects [Most big banks support fossil fuel projects].
Practice the 5Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Reform, Recycle in every aspect of your life. We are the ones who drive the demand of fossil fuels and therefore we are the ones that have the power to make a difference.
Eat for a climate stable planet. Try to eat meat-free, buy organic and local, don’t waste food and if you can, grow your own.
Use energy wisely and invest in renewables if possible. Small changes you can take add up, it just takes some getting used to.
Green your commute. Transportation’s a big chunk of our emissions so take public transit, ride a bike, car-share, switch to an electric or hybrid vehicle if possible, and fly less.
350 Cape Cod & Friends “Swimming” Against Off-shore Drilling,
State House, Beacon Hill, 2018
Below are a few of our current priorities.
Supporting offshore wind energy
stopping dirty fossil fuel projects
promoting a move towards zero waste