We need to make our voices heard one more time on the proposed Multipurpose Machine Gun Range at JBCC. Here’s why…and how:
The House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Readiness has released its version of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, and it includes a one-year extension for the funding of the multipurpose machine gun range at Joint Base Cape Cod (H.R. 8070—see page 101). Without this extension, the 2020 authorization for the project expires September 30, 2024.
The full House Armed Services Committee is scheduled to consider this draft this week. Everyone concerned with the protection of the Upper Cape Water Supply Reserve is urged to contact Representative William Keating, a member of the Armed Services Committee, to have this extension removed from the bill as it moves forward.
Please email the Congressman’s staff TODAY 5/21/2024: chris.matthews@mail.house.gov, michael.jackman@mail.house.gov, and andrew.nelson@mail.house.gov
About the EPA Report:
The primary finding states: ”Considering the protective orientation of the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Region has provisionally determined that the proposed project may contaminate the aquifer so as to create a significant public health hazard”; “If the final report receives sign-off from EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan, funding from the Department of Defense would be pulled from the project”.
Why your voice matters:
No matter how diligent the JBCC's environmental stewardship program may be, the project poses unacceptable risk to our water, climate, fragile ecosystem and local community.
What Is the Machine Gun Range at JBCC?
Massachusetts Army National Guard wants to build an 8-lane multipurpose machine gun range atop the 15,000 acre Upper Cape Water Supply Reserve, a protected conservation area within Camp Edwards, Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC).
If built the $11.5 million, taxpayer-funded range would:
• Sit atop the sole source aquifer which provides clean, safe drinking water to residents of and visitors to Bourne, Sandwich, Mashpee and Falmouth.
• Clear cut 170 acres of mature trees
• Disturb 199 acres of state-owned conservation land
• Create a 5,000+ acre “Surface Danger Zone” where discharged bullets, grenades and other ammunition would land.
What is at risk?
• Cape Cod’s fragile ecosystem and a very limited water supply, derived from a single source aquifer;
• The release of 17K metric tons of carbon into the air due to the tree cutting, and decimation of their future carbon storage value (300 metric tons)—a critical tool to fight climate change. Also potentially lost: the trees' natural water and soil filtration services which ensure a healthy ecosystem and cleaner air.
• Displacement or destruction of forest and animal species, at least 37 of which are state-listed as vulnerable;
• The health of nearby residents. Noise from the gun range would reach homes (as late as 2 a.m.) an elementary school, Barnstable County Prison, and a cemetery. The elderly and children will be affected most.
In its Environmental Assessment (EA) (that it conducted on itself), the Army National Guard found “no significant impacts” and “no significant controversy” from the proposed firing range. But the study is insufficient for the potential impacts, and the public was largely unaware of the proposal until recently.
Why is a new machine gun range being considered?
The only stated purpose is to save National Guard troops the inconvenience of traveling out of state for their machine gun training. Other alternatives were not adequately considered.
Usage of the range from troops outside of our region would increase Base activities by 18%, adding further stress on neighbors, the environment, traffic, and first responders.
What is the purpose of the EMC?
The Environmental Management Commision (EMC) is comprised of three appointees by Governor Healtey. They are charged with ensuring the permanent protection of the drinking water supply and wildlife habitat on the reserve, and only military activities compatible with those purposes. We need to convince EMC members to do just that. Urge the EMC to reject it.
What else can you do?
Speak out at your next select board or town council meeting, asking them to weigh in in support of the EPA study. Or your request.
Call or write your legislators and ask them to STOP this proposal.
U.S. Representative Bill Keating (202) 225-3111
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (202) 224-4543
U.S. Senator Ed Markey (202) 224-2742
State Senator Julian Cyr (617) 722-1570
State Senator Susan Moran (617) 722-1330
State Rep Dylan Fernandes (617) 722-2013
State Rep David Vieira (617) 722-2230
State Rep. Steve Xiarhos (508) 681-9673
8. Letters to the Editor – Falmouth-Bourne-Mashpee-Sandwich ENTERPRISE - Cape Cod Times - Boston Globe
9. POST on Social Media #NoGunRangeOnCapeCod #TreesNotGuns #CapeNoPlace4AGunRange #StopGunning4CapeCodsClimate&Water
A coalition of Cape Cod organizations are working to oppose construction of the gun range. Please join us in the fight:
350 Cape Cod * Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) * Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative * Cape Cod Women 4 Change * Coalition for Social Justice (CSJ) * Faith Communities Environmental Network (FCEN) * Falmouth Climate Action Network (FalCAN) * League of Women Voters Cape Cod Area * Lower Cape Indivisible * Sandwich Democratic Town Committee * Sierra Club of Cape Cod * Sustainable Practices * Youth Climate Action Network
Stay updated:
Statement from MA Army National Guard: Updates on the meeting will be posted on at https://www.massnationalguard.org/ERC/monthly_public_meetings_calendar.htm and Public Notices will be published when they are scheduled.
To add your organization or get involved personally email:
8. Read what residents are saying in letters and in the news